ibu nk story the moments arsyad lihat dunia ciptaan ALLAH SWT yg maha indah nie... =)
ibu kawen ngan ayah kamu yg encem tu 30may 2009..heee...for the 1st 6month its nothing from my tummy..mayb time tu ibu ngan ayah blom stabil lg tu yg Tuhan tak bagi lagi zuriat..dugaan dariNya..we have to be patient n patient n patient..then on february 2010..2-3days ibu rasa pening2..rasa cam tak sedap badan..ingatkan tersalah makan..then,ayah bawak ibu gi klinik..n...urine test...n ALHAMDULILLAH...segala rahmat dariNya..ibu pregnant kan Arsyad lebih kurang 4weeks camtu..n of course i'm soo hepy n ur ayah super duper hepy..heee...syukur..then bgtau kat our family n semuanyer hepy n bersyukur padaNya..
due 14sept 2010...soo for the 1st 4months arsyad dalam tummy ibu,adela skit alahan..kat opis tak kluar sgt n banyak rest n sleep kat surau opis..thanx to ur auntie cik andak..cik kema..cik shidah..n others la yg tolong ibu...then start 5months my pregnancy,i become normal back..jalan2..no problem at all..n 1 of ur special,time ibu alahan tu kalo gi jejalan mane2 terus hilang alahan..hahhaaa...soo funny..terus sehat biler nk gi jalan2..ish3..
due arsyad on hari raya..raya ke 4 or 5 camtu..ibu hrp sgt arsyad kluar after raya sbb ibu nk mkn banyak2 dulu on the hari raya..hahahaaa...1st raya,raya kat umah wan..everythings ok..bole beraye umah tok su..petang tu balik belara raya ngan tok abah n tok ma pulak...n everything is ok..heee...that night...lebih kurang pukul 1am,ibu rasa lain macam je tummy nie..sampai la subuh makin kuat rasanyer..then ayah bgtau tok ma n we go to hospital K.trg that morning...hmmm..
doct pon check n jalan dah tebukak skit 1cm je..so raya kedua dah masok wad..huhu..sakit makin kuat tp jalan tak bukak banyakk...that night ayah n mak lang stay kat hospital..but they cant enter my ward,they wait at the outside..huhu..kesian ayah n mak lang..sakit makin kuat n...9am..3rd raye..ibu dimasukkan ke labour room..ALHAMDULILLAH..ayah dapat masok teman ibu..he support me...cooling me...n..Syukur ALHAMDULILLAH..lahirlah anak lelaki sulung ibu n ayah at 2.29pm on 12 September 2010...syukur sgt2...ibu n ayah harap arsyad jadi org yg berguna pada agama,bangsa n negara...amin.. =)
thanx 2 all our frenss n family yg datang tengok arsyad...ibu pantang 2weeks kat umah wan n then back our home sweet home kat bukit tunggal..thanx to ayah arsyad...coz he take care us...he cook for me...woww!!sedap ayah masak..heeee....
for u muhammad arsyad the reason i story u all the story is i hope u will always appreciate what u have n always thank to ALLAH SWT...be a good person to others...we love u soo much n wanna hugg u alwaysss..heeee....nak pelokkk arsyad je slalu tau..heheee...
ok la my dearie arsyad...here ur 1st pict after u out from my tummy..sooo cumel...heeee...
soo....jadi anak yg soleh ye arsyad...amin...daaa...mmuahh!! =)
cenoknyer jadi mummy...=)
ReplyDeleteINSYAALLAH...nanti mus pulak yea...amin... =)